
As digital content changes frequently, the User is to understand that certain limitations of the accessibility widget exist. They are outlined below, and will be amended over time as technological enhancements are made to the digital ecosystem and to the tool itself.

Features Short Cuts Explanation of Feature Restraint or Limitations
Text Spacing N/A Increase or decrease spacing between text components. Only restraint to visuals*, no limitations.
Text Size Alt + O Scale controls for website text size. Only restraint to visuals*, no limitations.
Legible Fonts Alt + F Modifies fonts to websafe and legible font styles. No limitations.
Reading Line Alt + R Clearly visible line that assists with reading website content. No limitations.
Underline Link Alt + U Applies an underline styling to all page links. No limitations.
Highlight Links Alt + Y Applies a highlight styling to all page links. No limitations.
Text Magnifier Alt + M Provides a pop-up with enlarged text for easier reading. No limitations.
Content Scaling Alt + Z Scales all content incrementally on the website. Only restraint to visuals*, no limitations.
Word Spacing Alt + W Increase or decrease space between each word. Only restraint to visuals*, no limitations.
Text Colors Alt + N Allows user controls of website text color schemes. Only selected colors are given.
Title Colors Alt + N Change color scheme for title content only. Only selected colors are given.
Background Colors Alt + B Modifies the overall background color of the website. Only selected colors are given.
Align Text Alt + J Allows the user to justify website content either left, center, and right. No limitations.
Dark Contrast N/A Turns all the backgrounds colors to dark to make the fonts more visible. No limitations.
Light Contrast N/A Turns dark backgrounds to light mode. No limitations.
High Contrast N/A Increases the visibility of all text and images by increasing the contrast. No limitations.
High Saturation N/A Increases the saturation of the color for images and texts. No limitations.
Invert Color Alt + I Inverts current colors display on the webpage. Invert color or Grayscale cannot be applied at once, this is a technical limitation.
Grayscale ALT + G Removes color hues to show grayscale saturation of page content. Invert color or Grayscale cannot be applied at once, this is a technical limitation.
Stop Animation N/A Pauses all CSS & JavaScript animated components on-site. It could only stop the CSS and JavaScript animation, not any other moving objects on the page e.g. videos or SVG animations.
Hide Images ALT + H Hides all image formats on the website. No limitations.
Images List Alt + L Provides a list of images with descriptions and alt tags information. No limitations.
Generate Alt Alt + A See all alt tags for website components that do not render. It will generate the respective human readable alternate tags for all those images based on the image name. If any image on the website has the name like no-image.png then it will generate the Alt tag as “No Image".
Page Read ALT + E Provides audio narrative of the site content. It depends upon the quality of HTML on the webpage, that is what determines how well the read page feature would work.
An HTML standard is required, we have traversed through HTML child element and parents on that process, this feature may not work well on moving or auto-scrolling objects on webpge.
Pitch N/A Enables you to increase the pitch rate of our voice enabled assistant. No limitations.
Cursor ALT + C Increase your cursor size while on site. No limitations.
Keyboard ALT + K Use your physical keyboard to navigate website components. It depends upon the HTML of the host page, how well it will read may vary page to page. this is a replica of page read.
Header Structure N/A Lists all the headings of the webpage in front of you to navigate easily. No limitations.
Link Structure N/A Lists all the links of the webpage in front of you to navigate easily. No limitations.

[*] → Here ‘visual’ represents the limit of the feature till which it does not turns into a meaningless use. e.g. increasing the font size or spacing to a huge scale does not give the user a meaningful way for reading, so there is an lower an upper limit set which is at larger scale.

Browser support

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer – To some extent.

Page Readers Tested

  • NVDA
  • JAWS

Note: Not all version of the readers has been tested as this is an ongoing process that we are actively involved.